Tuesday, September 11, 2012


We must have a biblical view of dating, sex, marriage, and PURITY. Human sexuality is a most wonderful part of God's Creation of man. Consider the fact that Adam and Eve's original Holiness was described as "unashamed nakedness" (Genesis 2:25). This clearly implies that sexual desires, as part of God's creation, are not to be considered sinful. God created the avenue of sexuality. He made it a powerful and mysterious force (Songs of Solomon 8:6,7). Sexual desires are one of the strongest desires God created. Proverbs 6:25 describes the allure of a beautiful woman as almost irresistible. Unfortunately, man's fall into sin greatly maimed this aspect of God's beautiful creation.

Just as Adam and Eve's sinlessness is described as "unashamed nakedness", so also is it true the consciousness of sin came to our first parents through the awareness of their nakedness (Genesis 3:7) This is God's way of saying that they became totally depraved. Their beautiful sexual powers were subject to and dominated by sin, the sexual desires which God created when influenced by sin are called "LUSTS OF THE FLESH" (Romans 13:14, Galatians 6:16).

As a result of the fall sexuality, which in itself is good, is often expressed in perverse and wicked ways. God comes with His law against the sinful use of this aspect of His creation. He forbids adultery and includes it in the ten commandments He gave Moses. It is the seventh commandment in the list of the ten commandments. He condemns all sexual relations outside marriage (Leviticus 20:10; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Just because we live in the dispensation of grace does not give us the right to break that 7th Commandment. The commandment "Thou shall not commit adultery" may be over 3000 years old but it still hasn't lost its purpose in our days. The words God speaks our spirit and the 7th Commandment is certainly spirit and from God's word we know that spirits are incapable of dying. God does not change with time. He said He is the Lord and He changes not!

Though man's fall into sin contaminated the sexual desires God had created in him God still redeemed those desires from shame. God redeemed them for wonderful use within the union of marriage especially for those who marry "in the Lord" (1 Cor. 7:39b). Sex is a beautiful thing but only in marriage. Hebrews 13:4 declares in plain language, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled." The Holy Spirit inspired the apostle Paul to command us plainly to avoid fornication in 1Cor 7:2 and 4.

Concerning their sexual relationships, the third verse of the same chapter declares that both the husband and wife are indebted to each other. Sexual desires and activities are not bad and dirty, but good, and even beautiful and wonderful in the marriage of a believing husband and a believing wife. On the other hand, all sexual activities outside the marriage band is described in the Scriptures just the way God perceives them- A GRIEVOUS SIN- against oneself, against others and especially against God because the persons involved in those acts consciously are breaking the command in the second verse of First Corinthians 7.

The fact remains though that the Word of God speaks of sexual desires and activities in the marriage relationships as being not only prosperous but also good and beautiful. They are especially when no scars from the past are brought into the bedroom.

God's redemption of sexual desires means that He is as much Lord over them as He is Lord over everything else. The issue is not only one of sexual purity, but also that of the Lordship of God in Christ. The question which constantly needs to be asked and answered is not "who am I?" but rather "whose am I?"
1 Corinthians 6:19b-20 teaches that those who have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ do not only belong to God in spirit and soul alone but their bodies belong to GOD also. To HIM we belong SPIRIT, SOUL, and BODY.

The Bible teaches that sex is a gift from God, a good gift. He gives His gift, not to be used selfishly or romantically outside the marriage band but to be used and enjoyed properly in marriage. We may not use God's gift in any way WE PLEASE. We must use this gift for Him and for His Glory. We are His stewards and must use His gift in service to HIM ONLY.

People who want to use this gift as a means to satisfy the lust of their flesh must ask God to take that desire away because sinning against oneself draws the person deeper into sin and further away from God. The cords of sin are enticing and can't be broken without help from Jesus Christ and His Word. If a born again person finds himself/herself indulging in this act that God HAS ONLY APPROVED FOR MARRIED PEOPLE, the person needs to repent immediately and ask for a covering of the Blood of Jesus Christ because the hedge around that person was not just opened to the demons of fornication but also to other demons which may not be detected if the person isn't prayerful. One of the signs of the presence of other demons in the person's life would be the draining away of the desire to pray, to study the Word of God and also shying away from the presence of prayerful and discerning friends.

Sex is a gift from God. Let's encourage each other in Christ and those in the Body of Christ we know are doing this to stop this act because it's not just a sin but a spiritual act of worship to satan and we know that Jesus said "NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS!"

Shalom Family!!!

© Sarah Worldchanger Dominique

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